Week 3: Tools and strategies to find papers and save your literature review

Last week, in the ReFigure Undergraduate Research Course (free, online, weekly-see intro) you were introduced to ReFigure. This week you will start saving your literature review. But how to find more papers? In the video, we discuss how to follow the “citation trail” and show you some of the best databases (listed below) where you can find research and read open access papers (in addition to PubMed Central which we discussed in week 1). In addition, Dr. O’Brien shows you how to use Unpaywall to check if there are open access versions of the article you are trying to access.

Create 1 ReFigure under your chosen topic

  1. Use open access literature found on PubMed Central
  2. Make sure to include a description and keywords.

Here are some guides to help you create your first ReFigure:

    1. Five easy steps to try our ReFigure
    2. Creating an informative ReFigure for your community
    3. How to edit or review your ReFigure

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