Collaboration announcement: ReFigure and Fractal Flows

The ReFigure team is pleased to announce a collaboration with Fractal Flows, an online platform for collating hard evidence with the aim of coming to a consensus about scientific or engineering based claims. Fractal Flows integrates facts & opinions, reveals social bias and emphasizes informed outliers. Fractal flows allows anyone to host “claims”. An example of a claim is “Global warming causes climate change”, and users of the platform can submit evidence, so called “knowledge bits”, which could be data, analysis, simulations, code, mathematical models & formulations, an article or scientific paper link, an anecdotal or personal opinion that supports or refutes the claim. The annotated knowledge bits collected from various sources by Fractal Flows allows users healthy debate, shows the provenance of knowledge bits and will hopefully encourage consensus.

An important mission of ReFigure is to give researchers, especially early career researchers, maximum visibility for their interim research products and insight. Thus public ReFigures that follow the recommended guidelines by the team will be submitted to Fractal flows as knowledge bits or claims attributed to the ReFigure creator. Here is an example from when we tested this. We are currently refining how to attribute the claims shared on Fractal Flows to the Refigure creator.

Could images collected on Refigure feature as knowledge bits on Fractal Flows and provide depth to the knowledge bits? These and other questions are being brainstormed by both teams. Please visit and share your thoughts or comments below!

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