Week 2: Let’s start reading papers and creating research outputs!

This is Week 2 of the ReFigure Undergraduate Research Course. Click for introduction and Week 1. As promised you are going to start diving into the topic of your choice and creating outputs that demonstrate your learning. This week’s video is great at explaining how to read papers and was made by Kishwaukee College Library.

  1. Choose a topic for your “project” if you haven’t already: Use online resources like Wikipedia, Google scholar, Open Knowledge Maps and PubMed Central to identify a topic which you want to learn more and create Refigures about.
  2. Watch this ReFigure tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXur5dasYcU&frags=pl%2Cwn
  3. Create a ReFigure account https://refigure.org/signup/
  4. Download ReFigure Chrome extension
  5. Read one primary paper on your research topic.
  6. Create ReFigure that will include one key figure from the paper you’ve read and your notes in the “Notes” section. In your notes, explain what the figure shows and why is it important in your own words.

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