How can ReFigure break information silos?

This is Cancer Immunotherapy month and we are thinking a lot about our own research and how tools like Refigure can help. Here is a list of examples where our community and users have disrupted information silos using ReFigure.

  1. A curated collection of studies on hippocampal neurogenesis and memory
  2. Graduate student Grace Hamilton synthesized and presented findings from her literature review
  3. Reproducibility of findings on Zika detection by Christa Osuna, a postdoctoral fellow
  4. A list of experiments where a specific anti-CCR9 antibody was used to comment on its performance by Pranav Prabhala, an undergraduate student.
  5. Community college student Alena taught herself about autism, figure-by-figure
  6. Undergrad Abena Mantey converted a forgotten class paper on folic acid into a topic resource
  7. A comparison of specific experiments on KCNE1 Stoichiometry by postdoctoral fellow Kevin O’Brien

These case studies have been enabled by version 2 of ReFigure extension where we enabled capture of figures from all journals and the ability to keep ReFigures private or share them with specific individuals. ReFigure is available for free at

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